For over two decades technology has been affecting the way libraries operate. Academic libraries have witnessed various changes with the advent of information technology, which brought about adjustment in physical space of the traditional academic libraries. Some traditional library services and spaces have become obsolete while new ones have been introduced. This pose a challenge to designers and library administrators in integrating the newly introduced ones with the traditional services as well as spaces. The main aim of this research is to assess the usage of spaces in academic libraries that are shifting from traditional/analogue to digital academic libraries so as to come up with a flexible model that can accommodate rapid technological changes as well as integrating the needed traditional services with the new modern services. Case study method was employed as the research method of the study, unstructured interview was designed and used to collect data of the spaces currently available as well as the spaces that have been affected by information technology. Questionnaires were also administered in the study area mainly to find out the user needs and identification of the modern services within the libraries studied. Physical observation was also used to identify some new developments in terms of space requirement in the libraries studied. Transcription and interpretation of the unstructured interview was carried out to: - identify the current spaces in academic libraries provided in the north western zone of Nigeria; to identify all the traditional library spaces affected by technology and to examine the effect of technology on the overall pattern of physical spaces in the libraries studied. Pictures taken were used to indicate the new services as well as the new spaces that were provided in the libraries studied. Interpretation of the interviews was also used to identify these spaces. Statistical analysis was used to vi analyse the questionnaire provided in order to determine the user needs with respect to the library environment. The major research findings area: Nigerian libraries have undergone some reasonable changes over time most accompanied by information technology. This created some additional physical spaces to the existing traditional spaces. The study also reveals that only 15 functional spaces out of the 55 spaces provided which is 29% of the overall traditional academic library spaces have not been affected whereas 40 functional spaces out of 55 spaces which is 71% of the overall library spaces have undergone either additions, conversions or obsolescence in the libraries studied; Most of the modern trends such as the E-Classrooms, service desks, adjacent refreshment areas collaborative learning spaces and computer workstation clusters are yet to be incorporated within the traditional libraries,only E-library spaces and computer workstation clusters were introduced in the library departments studied. Several services such as the microfilms, Cardex and strip index are now phased out, but there are spaces that are still in use but need no or little modifications to meet the present and technological needs. It wasconcluded from the study that Nigerian academic libraries are gradually shifting from the rigid traditional environment to modern academic libraries that goes beyond the provision of academic services but also social as well as informal services.
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